Action Items

At the 2nd Ci3 India Roundtable held in Mumbai in Feb. 2016, it was decided to formulate specific Action Items that capture the critical industry issues and areas for improvement in the Indian construction industry, as identified at the 1st and 2nd Roundtables. A brief description of the initially formulated Action Items appears below. These items were rationalized and allocated to seven Action Teams

General Performance:

  1. Identify and/or formulate a set of useful KPIs (based on international practices, but adjusted to meet local needs and priorities) for use by a ‘Benchmarking club’ to facilitate focused and regulated data sharing* and continuously improve project level efficiencies vis-à-vis industry averages/ norms.

  2. Formulate 5 year targets to significantly reduce both average project construction costs and overall project time-frames. Note - International studies indicate that significant cost reductions and project time savings can be achieved by restructuring basic project procurement and delivery strategies and protocols, including construction standards, proactive procurement and working arrangements, lean methodologies, labor standards and continuously improving best practices.

Design Practices and Technology Adoption

  1. Revisit design process management, with a view to upgrade design quality, as well as optimize the ‘economics’ of construction and ‘life cycle value’ of the built assets themselves. Note: Both must be targeted together from the design conceptualization stage. An adequate number of concept design alternatives should be evaluated before the detailed design stage, so as to select the optimal approach.

  1. Revisit design codes and strengthen technical inputs (from academia, construction clients, architectural & engineering consultants, construction companies) to the revisions of such codes so that BIS and other code development authorities would realistically update and rationalize relevant design codes to increase efficiencies, while also targeting quality, safety and sustainability of construction processes and the built assets.

Human Capital (including Labour, Technical & Managerial and Skills Development) and Productivity:

6. Construction Clients’ Charter

7. Ci3 India – Institutional Platform